Technically, this isn't really a links page, it's a contact information page for people to go to see other Concert Bands, and to find places that have extensive music libraries. At the top of this list is the...
Chatfield Brass Band Music Lending Library
P.O. Box 578 Chatfield, MN 55923-0578
Phone: (507) 867-4170 if that doesn't work try
Phone: (507) 867-3275
We know that one of these phone numbers work and when it does, ask for Helen Mercer. Our self-appointed historian searched for months for any existing copies of music by George Sherman (other than Salute to Burlington which we had) and this place was the only institution that had any (one). If you need it, chances are they have it!
"The President's Own" United States Marine Band
Colonel Timothy W. Foley, Director
Marine Barracks
8th and I Streets, SE
Washington, DC 20390-5000
Public Affairs Office: (202) 433-5809
Concert Information Line: (202) 433-4011
Band Library: (202) 433-4298
This is a great source for having anything to do with John Phillip Sousa as this is the descendent of his military band. They have all the music which he used when he directed them.
The University of Illinois
Phyllis Danner
Phone: (217) 244-9309
This is where John P. Sousa's civilian band music ended up. If the Marine band library doesn't have it, this one should (and Phyllis is very nice too)
Integrity Press
61 Massey Drive,
Westerville, OH 43081
Some of their selections are listed below:
Marching Along by John Philip Sousa (autobiography), $24.95
Nostalgic Happenings in the Three Bands of John Philip Sousa, by Malcolm Heslip, $9.95
John Philip Sousa - American Phenomenon, by Paul Bierley, $17.95
The Works of John Philip Sousa, by Paul Bierley, $19.95
The Trumpet and Drum, by John Philip Sousa, $5.50
The Heritage Encyclopedia of Band Music, by William Rehrig (2 volumes), $99.00
Hallelujah Trombone!, by Paul Bierley (biography of Henry Fillmore), $19.95
This one is pretty self explanatory
And the most comprehensive source of bands, libraries and societies is "The Internet Bandsman's Everything Within"
you really have to see this site!